Poppy Seed Cake



¾ c. sweet butter
1 egg yolk
1/8 lb. ground poppy seeds
1 ½ c. white sugar
2 c. flour (cake?)
2 t. baking powder
½ t. salt
3 or 4 egg whites
1 c. milk

Soak poppy seeds in milk overnight. Next day: Cream butter and gradually add sugar and salt until smooth. Add egg yolk. Beat again. Sift flour with baking powder three times. Pour flour mixture slowly into butter mixture alternating with the poppy seeds and milk mixture. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold in egg whites last. Bake in 8” pans 350°-375° for 20-30 minutes. Makes three layers (?)

Frosting: Custard Butter Cream

1 egg
1 c. milk
½ c. sugar
2 heaping T. flour

Cream all of the flour and a little of the milk into a paste. In a double boiler or saucepan mix egg, sugar, and remaining milk. Add paste mixture. Mix thoroughly. Cook over low heat until it looks like custard. Cool until cold! Add ½ lb. butter (sometimes I use less) and ½ to ¾ box powdered sugar. Beat until thick (use electric mixer. Add 1 tsp. vanilla.

Recipe from Aunt Eleanor.


This is the fancy and time-consuming cake that grandma traditionally made for Easter. Grandma told me that she eventually had to quit making it when the grocery store stopped grinding the poppy seeds for her. I found this recipe written down in at least three different places, so it must have been really important to her.

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