Chicken Bar-b-Que

Benson, David, Judy, & Marvin

1 chicken
1 bottle Open Pits (plain)
1 onion
1 t. hot sauce
1 T. sugar
1 t. mustard
1 dash lemon juice
½ t. chili powder

Fry chicken as usual. Take fried chicken and put in sauce or casserole dish. Into saucepan, simmer for about ½ hour Open Pits bar-b-que sauce (or tomato sauce if preferred) and diced onion, hot sauce, sugar, mustard, lemon juice, and chili powder. After simmering, while chicken is frying, put in casserole dish and put in oven nice nad tender. Then try it (Hm! Good!) Good luck.


This recipe was written on University Hospitals of Cleveland patient notes paper by someone other than grandma, but no name is given.

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