Dill Bread

1 pkg. dry yeast
¼ c. warm water
1 c. cream style cottage cheese
2 T. onion or 1 small chopped
2 T. sugar
2 T. dill seed
1 t. salt
1 T. butter
1 lightly beaten egg
2 ½ c. unsifted flour
¼ t. baking soda

Put yeast in warm water. In the mixer, beat cottage cheese, onion, sugar, dill, salt, egg, butter. Add yeast. Add four and soda. Cover. Let rise till double. Butter and flour soufflé (?) dish 1 ½ qt. Rise until double. Bake 350° 30-45 minutes.


Recipe from Judy ... obviously not that Judy! She doesn't bake. :-)

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